Film calatoria crestinului
Film calatoria crestinului

film calatoria crestinului

Founder and director of the National Museum of Natural History (Bucharest). Author of "The Black Sea monograph" (1941). Founder of the Romanian School of hydrobiology. A naturalist, biologist, zoologist, ichthyologist, ecologist, oceanologist, doctor in biological sciences, university professor, full member of the Romanian Academy. Together with Emil Racovitza and Ioan Borcea, he is a founder of the national biological oceanography. Grigore Antipa (1867-1944) is one of the most prestigious scientists of Romania. Detailed information can be obtained through the web site of the symposium ĭate: 01 October 2021 - 03 October 2021. Also, Registration for the symposium is obligatory. Articles of accepted presentations will be published free of charge in an e-proceedings of symposium proceedings or in Acta Biologica Turcica, FishTaxa and Ecologica Montenegrina (charge a fee) a journal supporting the symposium, according to the choose of the author(s). All contributions will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and they reserve the right to decide form of presentation (oral/poster) in case of scope of the presentation or timing.ĭeadline for the submission of the presentation is 15 September 2021. There is no extra cost for second paper by same author. Please note that an author can submit and present maximum 2 papers for the Symposium. We would also be thankful if you could inform your colleagues about the symposium and encourage them for the participation.

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